Tuesday, July 15, 2008

PEST Analysis

The ‘PEST’ affects my mother’s organization in such a way as below.


My mother’s organization is a government funding organization (government school). Hence, political changes will greatly affect the organization. For example, the government will reduce the fund given if they want to save money for other greater project. Other than that, the organization is also under the authority of the ministry of education. For example, the syllabus of the teaching is made by the ministry. Besides that, the teachers are also employed by the ministry. The amount of teachers in the school is decided by the government. The salary of the teachers is also paid by the government. Therefore, the government has the authority to decide the amount of salary to be paid to the teachers. During public election, the school compound is also used by the government as the voting site.


During recession, the government will have to save their expenditure and hence they will reduce the fund given to the school. When the economy is in good condition, the government will have more money to give to the school and hence will increase the fund given.


The school is built near to the housing area. Therefore, most of the student lives at the housing area.


Due to the advancement of technology, the government had made it compulsory for all the school to give computer class to the students. Therefore, the school has to set up computer class. Other than that, the syllabus is also presented to the students by using computer as asked by the government. For example, the teaching of math and science in English is done using computer. Laptops are given to the teachers in order for them to improve their teaching skill. The personal data of each student is stored in the computer. The results of the students are sent to the government through internet.

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