Wednesday, July 9, 2008

Hello, I’m Kevin Ng Tek Hooi from Taiping, Perak. Currently, I’m studying in Sunway University College taking up ACCA course. First of all, I would like to give a very warm welcome to our lecturer, Mr. Bill to this blog. Frankly, he is a great lecturer because he often shares his knowledge and experience with us. The way he conducts the lessons in class really make us feel so amazing. However, I do appreciate any visitors to this blog to have a look on this useful information site. This blog is created for the purpose to post every single task we do and at the same time provides information to the visitor. I’m the leader of this group with a name, Sans Seriff.

The main goal for our group is to achieve the best in everything we do and become one of the most successful group in our class that is Group 15. For myself, I wish to pass my Cat and Acca with flying colours and get the course done in 3 ½ years. No pain, no gain~

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