Wednesday, July 9, 2008


What is an organisation? It is simply a social arrangement which pursues collective goals,
controls its own performance, and at the same time, there is a boundary separating it from its environment. Having an organization is important because it helps to overcome the limitations of people’s individual. Moreover, it helps to save time as people can work together or do two aspects of a different task at the same time. Apart from that, there are many others importance of having an organization.

My father is the only sole breadwinner and he works as a crane driver in a mobile crane services. As a crane driver who normally works in construction industry and manufacturing heavy equipment, his main job is to lift and lower materials and to move them horizontally. His role is to make sure that everything that is being lifted or lowered must be in a safety conditions. Besides that, having good relationship with other workers is also an important role for my father because it will give a good impression to the customers. As a result of a good social relationship, the organisation’s profit will be enhanced and automatically bring the organization nearer to its goals and objectives.

The social arrangement of my father organization is divided into two layers. The first layer will be the employer of the organization and then followed by the employees. There are five workers in the organization including my father.

As an organization, there are many collective goals because it is important so that the direction of the company can be known and keeping the company in line towards the goals as well. For my father’s organization, its first goal is to make profit as much as possible and provides the best service to the customers. Besides that, minimising costs and maximizing revenue are also the goal of his company.

Apart from that, performance of every workers in an organization is very important as it might affect the reputation of the company. Same as my father’s company, his performance is controlled by the employer. As a crane driver, my father do have to take exam from the Malaysia Construction and Industrial Development . This is to ensure that the quality of his performance is well maintained, so does not pose a danger in contruction site.

In every organization, there are two types of boundaries which is the physical and social boundary. For my father’s organization, its physical boundary is the gate of the company. As for social boundary, it is just between the employer and employee as it is a sole proprietorship business.

The type of ownership of his company is the sole proprietorship which is the oldest, most common, and simpliest form of business organisation. It is a business entity owned and managed by one person. Generally, it can be organized very informally, is not subject too much federal or state regulation and is relatively simple to manage and control

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